The poster series is a renewal of the Falles classic image, from a conceptual perspective, and make visibility to their cultural value beyond the purely festive.
The popular festival of Fallas de València were candidates in 2016 to be declared intangible heritage of humanity of UNESCO. The series of posters, besides announcing, had to explain the festival itself, putting in value its historical origin and the value of the different creative activities that make up this popular and traditional festival.
The historic origin of the festival is collecting wood old objetcts to be burned in the streets. The design proposal recreates this fact, posters bring together different old objects that symbolize different creative activities present at the popular festival, such as clothing workers, craftsmen, carpenters, writers; Or its playful and aesthetic aspects. Objects are integrated on typical scenes. The music, the Falla, the humor and the woman “fallera”.
A poster in the streets as a “teaser” introduced the series with the phrase “With what material do we build the illusions?”, Generating curiosity and introducing the theme and meaning of the poster campaign.
Finally, the goal of this campaign has been achieved and the festival of the Fallas is officially an intangible heritage of humanity.
La serié de carteles de Falles de Vaència forma parte desde 2022 de la colección de diseño gráfico del Musée des Arts Décoratifs de París, que pertenece a las Colecciones Nacionales gestionadas por el Ministerio de Cultura francés.
→ Premio ADCV Oro, Carteles. ADCV Comunitat Valenciana, 2017.
→ Premio ADCV Oro, Imagen coordinada. ADCV Comunitat Valenciana, 2017.
→ Laus Bronce 17, categoría carteles, 2017. ADG-FAD, 2017
→ Graphis Poster 2018 “Merit”. New York.
→ European Design Awards “FInalist”, 2017.
→ Selección 14ª Bienal Internacional del Cartel. Ciudad de México, 2016.
→ 14ª Bienal Internacional del Cartel de México, 2016.
→ Ibán Ramón. Posicionament gràfic. IVAM (Institut Valencià d’Art Modern), 2016
→ Prohibido fijar carteles. Carteles Valencianos 2000-2020. CCCC, Valencia, 2020.
→ Graphis Poster 2018, New York.
→ Ibán Ramón. Posicionament gràfic. IVAM (Institut Valencià d’Art Modern), 2016.
→ Catálogo «Premios ADCV 2017».
→ Catálogo «European Design Awards 2017».
→ Catálogo «Premios LAUS 2017».
→ Catálogo 14ª Bienal Internacional del Cartel de México, 2016.
→ Catálogo «Prohibido fijar carteles. Carteles Valencianos 2000-2020.» CCCC, Valencia, 2020.